- to gang up and swindle somebody 串骗
- The cats used to gang up and chase the dog around the house. 那只可怜的猫啊,最后只好跳到屋顶上去了。
- They ganged up and acted in collusion with each other. 他们拉帮结派,狼狈为奸。
- A number of unruly youths ganged up and terrorized the district. 一些不法青年结成一伙, 使这个地区陷于恐怖。
- A number of unruly youth ganged up and terrorized the district. 一些不法青年结成一伙,使这个地区充满恐怖。
- In Japan,crows crack open uts with the help of cars and in Australia,choughs gang up and kidnap theirneighbours' young. 在日本,乌鸦能借助汽车的帮助使坚果裂开;在澳大利亚,红嘴山鸦合伙袭击并劫持了他们邻居的幼禽。
- In Japan, crows crack open uts with the help of cars and in Australia, choughs gang up and kidnap theirneighbours young. 在日本,乌鸦能借助汽车的帮助使坚果裂开;在澳大利亚,红嘴山鸦合伙袭击并劫持了他们邻居的幼禽。
- Several companies gang up to raise prices. 几家大公司串通一气抬高物价。
- He sprang up and rushed to the door. 他跳起身,跑到门口。
- The old man stared the uninvited guest up and down. 老人把不速之客上下打量了一番。
- He ordered the troops to limber up and move out. 他命令部队把炮装上前车开出去。
- She got her spunk up and left the country. 她一怒之下离开了这个国家。
- The militiamen rounded up and disarmed a gang of bandits ear the Sino-Burmese border. 民兵在中缅边界附近包围了一小撮土匪,并把他们缴械。
- He'll get David to gang up with him and stop me sailing. 他会劝戴维同他联合起来,阻挠我搭船。
- The equipment is lashed up and ready to go. 设备已捆扎好,准备启运。
- The milk in the pot boiled up and spilled over. 锅里的牛奶煮沸溢了出来。
- Every year, all the kids gang up on me and throw me in the pool. 每年,孩子们都对我群起而攻之,将我抛入游泳池。
- Let's pack up and spend a week in the countryside. 咱们收拾好东西到乡下去过一个星期吧。
- He was walking up and down the station platform. 他在火车站的月台上走来走去。
- Those guys won't gang up on you again. 那些家伙不会再合伙整你了。